Total Frequency Control News ....
New GPS disciplined smd OCXO - September 2012

TFC Ltd announce the release of the new miniature smd GPS disciplined OCXO module type GPS1300 - 10 - 1000 with an NMEA data stream output: manufactured by their RFX precision oscillator division.
This component level device measuring only (40 x 32.5 x 10.5)mm evolved from a former successful military design and will revolutionize the attainment of extreme precision timing signals for use in commercial applications. The accuracy is derived from the loop control discipline of a precision OCXO through the acquisition of of satellite GPS data providing near Caesium accuracy approaching 10-12, one thousandth part per billion, and at a fraction of the cost.
The product has been designed for use in Base Stations, Wireless Networks, System Synchronization systems, Instrumentation, Critical timing and Calibration applications and precision portable reference units.
Through the use of control algorithms the inherently accurate precision OCXO is further regulated towards the on-board satellite Caesium standard. In the event of the GPS signal being temporarily lost the module provides holdover though the internal OCXO which retains it previously acquired control settings until lock is reinstated.
Specific features include:
Package: smd (40 x 32.5 x 10.5)mm, (1.6 x 1.3 x 0.41)”
1pps LVCMOS: output 1
r.f. Sine wave 10.0MHz: output 2
Long term stability 1 x 10-12 ppm
Short term stability 1 x 10-11 ppm
Excellent phase noise
Low ageing
Full data sheet at
About Total Frequency Control Ltd …
TFC provides European
distribution and a Head Office for group manufacturing facilities supporting
and managing the resources of three companies.
Manufacturing includes High Precision Quartz products for resonators, QCM,
Material Lapping and Polishing, Precision OCXO, TCXO and VCXO oscillators and Frequency Standards. Distribution
provides an extensive range of Inductive Components with Air
Wound Coils, Moulded
Coils, Chip
Inductors, Screened
and Moulded
r.f. Coils, smd
Power Inductors, Toroid
Coils, Noise
Suppression Modules and Ferrite beads. A select range of Miniature
smd Clock Oscillators, TCXO and VCXO are
also provided to complement the manufactured range.
The companies have Integrated Management Systems and hold registrations
to ISO9001:
2008, ISO14001: 2004, IPC J-STD-001, Investor in People and are RoHS compliant. In
house shock and vibration test systems provide certification and conformance to
environmental standards and specific customer requirements.
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