Total Frequency Control News ....
TFC I.F. adjustable coils - January 2016
The I.F. adjustable coils are available in many different designs and sizes; they can be for generic replacements,standard or custom wound, tuneable shielded or unshielded.
Ideal for oscillator circuits or as an IFT for AM/FM applications, TFC’s I.F. adjustable inductor coils are custom wound and manufactured with short lead times to meet sample and production requirements. Drop-in replacements are offered against many popular manufacturers with an inductance range between 0.05 micro H to 150milli H. and an operating frequency range between 10 kHz ~ 200MHz.
The product provides a high Q component with good resistance to shock and vibration with moulded variants and a range of core materials including carbonyl, ferrite, aluminium and brass. Moulded coil windings may be close wound or space wound and the enclosures of leaded or smd variants.
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